Turf Care Guide

Turf Care Guide

Turf Direct

How to Take Care of Your Artificial Turf

Are you wondering how to care for your artificial turf? The team at Turf Direct has put together this list of helpful care tips to prevent any damage to your artificial turf. By following these guidelines, you'll keep your turf in great shape for years to come. And any time you have questions, be sure to give us a call, text, or visit our showroom!

Keep Your Artificial Turf Clean

Dust, Pollen, and Airborne Pollutants

Rainfall is the best cleanser. In areas where rainfall is scarce, an occasional water flush will help cleanse the turf. For lightly soiled areas, it may be necessary to sponge mop with a 5% percent solution of a low-sudsing household detergent in hot water followed by a thorough rinsing with hot water. For heavily soiled areas, repeat the procedure. For lightly soiled areas, sponge mop using a 3% percent solution of household ammonia in hot water followed by a thorough rinsing with hot water. 

Stains and Other Blemishes

The first rule of preventing turf stains is promptness. It's always easier to clean up a fresh spill than one that has dried and hardened. Remove any solid or paste-like deposit with a spatula or table knife. Blot up excess liquids with paper towels, a clean cloth, or a dry absorbent, such as kitty litter or fuller’s earth. Dry absorbents can then be swept or vacuumed up afterwards. 

Synthetic fibers have good resistance to staining. However, it is important to realize they are only one part of a sophisticated system of various components designed for overall performance. Some cleaning agents safe for the face fibers can be harmful to other components of the turf system. Therefore, cleaning agents are grouped into two sets, one of which can be used in liberal amounts directly on the turf surface, and the second of which should only be applied by rubbing a cloth soaked in the cleaner in order to minimize penetration of possible harmful agents below the turf surface. In the first group of cleaners which generally can be applied without any special precautions are the following: 

  • A bio-friendly cleaner. Following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • A warm, mild solution of granular household detergent or any low-sudsing detergent for fine fabrics. Use approximately one teaspoon to one pint of water. This will handle most waterborne stains including: Coffee, tea, vegetable juice, fruit juices, alcohol, soft drinks, ice cream, chocolate, milk, ketchup, mustard, urine, latex paint, butter, dye, glue, water colors and blood. 
  • A 3% solution of ammonia in water may be used in lieu of household detergent for more stubborn stains. 
  • Rinse area thoroughly with clean cold water to remove any traces of soap or ammonia 
  • Blot up excessive liquid
  • Do not use cleaners that contain chlorine bleaches or caustic cleaners (ph above 9) or highly acidic cleanses (ph below 5).

The second group of cleaners, where agent must be applied sparingly and care taken to avoid penetration beneath the turf are the following: 

  • Mineral spirits or a grease spot remover like perchlorethylene (dry cleaning solution) of the type sold by most variety stores and supermarkets. In general, cleansers in this category should handle most oil-based stains including asphalt, tar, gum, cooking oil, shoe polish, floor wax, lipstick, motor oil, grease, paraffin wax, ballpoint ink, nail polish, suntan oil, and crayon. 
  • CAUTION: Mineral spirts and other petroleum based solvents are flammable. Do not smoke or permit open flames near where these are being used.

Brush Your Turf Periodically

Fibers may become matted in areas of high foot traffic, especially if they have become soiled with dirt and other airborne pollutants. 

Periodic “cross brushing” of the turf can help restore the aesthetic appearance of the turf. “Cross brushing” means all brushing activity takes place against the grain, nap, or sweep of the turf fibers. By brushing against the turf, the fibers will become erect. A brush with synthetic bristles should be used. Never use a brush with metal or wire bristles as these will change the turf fibers. 

Do Not Abuse Your Turf

Although your turf is made of tough, durable fibers, certain precautions should be taken to prevent damage to the turf including:

  • Lighted cigarettes cannot ignite the turf, but they can damage the turf by melting the fibers. Cigarettes, fireworks, and open flames should be kept away from the turf.
  • Furniture and equipment with sharp or jagged edges should not be placed on turf as this may puncture or tear the turf. 
  • When using heavy equipment on the turf be sure to use multiple layers of plywood to distribute the weight of the load equally throughout the turf area. 
  • Never leave a parked vehicle idling on the turf. 
  • Cap off or remove nearby sprinkler heads. Water from sprinkler systems can leave mineral deposits on turf that may cause discoloration.
  • Make sure turf is not exposed to sunlight reflected from windows or other reflective surfaces as this could melt the fibers. 

Follow Proper Turf Care

The proper artificial turf care and maintenance program can enhance the aging, usefulness, and aesthetics of your turf. By following these care tips, you'll keep your turf in excellent shape for years to come. Should you have any questions, simply speak with the experienced staff at Turf Direct!

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